

Saturday, July 23, 2011


From Ieng SOK:

Welcome to my first web!!!

This site would not have been possible if it weren’t for the hard work and efforts of a number of people. First, a thank you goes out to my site today and future. Second, much appreciation for your posting or any comments educated me or information.

No acknowledgment would be accurate without an incredibly heartfelt thank-you to my family, my friends… their support through the years and assistance in making and completing this site has been tremendous. Thank you.

Also, a huge thank-you is extended to all the amazing teachers I’ve learned from and been challenged by at Schools and University. It is fantastic, supportive, and challenging teachers like these who continue to make our public education institutions a treasure.

And, of course, I want to express my thanks to Aziza, EYC and CKF for continuing to develop and refine the legacy youth of next generation.

As an expression of my gratitude for having all these wonderful people in my life, thank you for being my support and sharing your heart with me.


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